Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Last Big Pattern Haul for 2022 | Simplicity, McCall's & Know Me Patterns

 Hello, Friends! This really is my last blog post of the year. I am so excited about what is to come next year and I hope you are too! I've gotten a surge of creativity and excitement about sewing and content (and TRAVEL ;-)) so stay tuned for what I whip up lol

Today, I want to share my last pattern haul. It's full of Simplicity Patterns, McCall's Patterns and Know Me Patterns. Check out the vid and let me know if you have or want any of the patterns I've picked. And is there anything I NEED to pick up?? Let me know in the comments!

See you in the new year!



Tuesday, December 27, 2022

My Favorite Gifts to Make

 Hello, Friends! Years ago, I used to surprise my friends who had just given birth with a handmade blanket in the theme of their newborn's room or something related to their name. Well, around 2019, it had been quite a while since someone had a baby, and then in 2020, I stopped sewing for almost a year. Of course in 2021 a number of "pandemic babies" were born, but basically, I forgot that's something I do lol One of my friends had to remind me and now I'm back on the wagon.

I get the fabric and binding for the blankets from JoAnn Fabrics. I use a fleece fabric for the back, a flannel fabric for the front, and then packaged blanket binding to hold it all together.

Although I consider myself a "selfish sewer", I don't mind making gifts for people (especially babies) when it's MY idea lol. If I thought of it, I'm excited to create it and a lot of love is going into it. 

Hopefully, these blankets will keep these new fresh babies warm and cozy for the rest of the winter! 

What are your favorite gifts to make people? Or are you against it completely??

Be back soon!


Tuesday, December 13, 2022

A Quick Dress for a Gala | McCall's 8339

 Hello, Friends! So, suffice it to say, I lied. lol I said I was taking a personal sewing break for the remainder of the year and then a few days later I needed a new dress. I was going to a Gala and I misread the dress code and thought it was cocktail attire. I had a dress ready in my closet for that, but something made me look at the event details again a few days before the gala and I realized it was actually black tie. I had one or two dresses in my closet, but not that I was interested in wearing for this event in particular so I did what most of us do... went to my sewing room to look for a pattern and some fabric lol

This is McCall's 8339, View C in a size 16.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Kylie and the Machine Countdown Calendar Review

 Hello, Friends! I LOVE a good advent product... ESPECIALLY when it's chocolate! But this time, I opted for something sewing related...LABELS! I did a review of the Kyle and the Machine Countdown Calendar on my YouTube channel. It is kind of chaotic lol but it's also HONEST. Let me know what you think!

See you sooner than you think!



Friday, December 2, 2022

Surprising Versatility | Viki Sews Tally Bustier

Hello, Friends! I'm back with what is probably my last personal make of the year. *gasp* I feel like this has been a great sewing year for me and I was able to grow and experience a number of different sewing skills. And I experienced quite a few in this top specifically.

This is the Viki Sews Tally Bustier in a size 44, 170-176cm height.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Another Nigerian Wedding | Vogue 1426

Hello, friends! I was invited to another Nigerian wedding last month and this time, I was given the opportunity to wear the aso ebi of the wedding party! Aso Ebi is a uniform dress or dressing code/style that is worn in certain African cultures as an indicator of cooperation, camaraderie, and solidarity during ceremonies, events, and festive periods.

Out of this beautiful Aso Ebi fabric, I made the skirt from Vogue 1426 (OOP) in a size 14.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

NYC Frocktails | Tammy Silver 10K Midi Skirt

 Hello, friends! Long time no talk... sewing has definitely been going on!

I'm back with the skirt I made to attend NYC Frocktails, and BOY is there a lot to talk about!

This is the 10K Midi Skirt from Tammy Silver in a size G (spoiler: I should've gone smaller).

Photo by Anjelica Jardiel @anjelicajardiel

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Panama Fabric Shopping & Haul

Hello Friends! Back in May, I went to Panama to visit my grandfather for his birthday and while I was there, I did something I told myself I WOULDN'T do... Go back to the fabric stores! I already have a ton of fabric, including lots from previous Panama trips, but I ended up not being able to resist. This time I shopped in Los Pueblos, but interestingly enough I encountered some of the same stores that I've gotten fabric from downtown.

I am going to share photos of the fabrics I picked up here, but if you want to see their movement and guess with me about what to label them (because most of the stores don't label the fabrics) check out my YouTube Video of this haul! I also dive deeper into the vibe of each store in the video!

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

My Thoughts on my Summer Makes

 Hey Friends! I did more sewing this summer than I have in the past 2 years combined lol I wanted to make a video about my honest feelings about each make after the thrill of the newness has faded. 

Do I still love them? 

Do they need adjustments? 

Do I even want to wear them anymore??

Take a watch and let me know what you think in the comments!



Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Juneteenth Shirt | Closet Core Patterns Kalle Shirt

Hello, Friends! This post is LONG overdue, but forgive me. I needed time to edit the video I recorded of the whole creative process! But before I get to that, welcome my Juneteenth Shirt!

Juneteenth is a (now) national holiday that commemorates the date, 3 years after the Emancipation Proclamation, federal troops arrived in Galveston, Texas to take control of the state and ensure that all enslaved people there be freed. Long story short, it's a holiday that commemorates ALL of the slaves throughout the US knowing that they were free. Like, an "Independence Day" of sorts.

Knowing what I wanted to do with this fabric, it made this holiday perfect to dedicate it to!

This is the Closet Core Paterrns Kalle Shirt View A in a size 12.

If you want to WATCH this shirt coming together before reading this review, check out the video!

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

The Quickest Outfit I've Ever Made | McCall's 6968 & Lola Tank

Hello Friends! I'm back with my last couple of makes from the summer season. You can see my video about all of the plans I made back in June and you'll notice that THESE two makes are a little off script...

The skirt is McCall's 6968 (OOP) and the top is another Staystitch Patterns, Co, Lola Racerfront Tank.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

A Neutral Workhorse | True Bias Zoey Dress

Hello Friends! I've really been ENJOYING this summer and the cute things I've been able to make and wear to look my best while doing so! I've been wanting easy pieces that I can just throw on and that have the possibility for multiple options of styling.

Enter this True Bias Zoey Tank/Dress. I cut View C in size 12.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

It's giving...Versace! | Staystitch Pattern Co. Lola Racerfront Dress

 Hello Friends! I'm back with another cute summer make! I originally intended to make this dress for vacation but time got the best of me so I made it when I returned for brunch with the family...

This is the Staystitch Pattern Co Lola Racer Tank Top Pattern. I cut the dress View in a size 10.

Monday, August 15, 2022

DC Frocktails Vlog!

Hello Friends! A couple of months ago, I attended DC Frocktails! The first one happened right on time in February 2020 and then of course there was a pause put on it. Enjoy my video and some of the FEW pics I was able to get below.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

My FIRST bag! | Styles InSeams Antonio Tote

 Hello, Friends! This may be a year of trying new things for me. I made my first coat earlier this year, and now I am back with my very first BAG!

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Traditional African Wedding | Simplicity 8394

 Hello Friends! I'm back, and I have been SEWING; just haven't been sharing much...UNTIL NOW lol

I was invited to a friend's Traditional Nigerian wedding ceremony and in the invitation, they made the guests aware of the theme color of the wedding. The color was MAGENTA. So I went into my stash looking for dressy-ish fabrics that would fit into the theme.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Melanated Fabrics Fabric Haul!

Hello, Friends!

Back in March, I went to Atlanta for a friend's birthday trip and I was able to stop by Melanated Fabrics!

Melanated Fabrics is a fabric store created by Mimi G and Brittany J Jones as partners. I had hoped to see Brittany in the store when I went to visit, but she ended up having the flu. But I DID get to meet Norris, Mimi's husband, and he was super kind. It's a great creative space and I can see how they are filling a market in the Atlanta area!

I did, of course, buy some patterns and fabric to support and you can watch the video of my visit and my purchases here!

Thursday, May 26, 2022

A little Vintage Casual | McCall's 8194

 Hello Friends! Can you believe that it's almost JUNE and the weather still doesn't know what it wants to do?! Now that my sew-jo is back, I've been going back and forth about what to make but I have to keep pushing back summer dresses, and it's a little too warm for the camo jacket I want to make lol.

But I will never tire of making dresses, I just needed one that would work for this awkward weather transition, but ALSO be multi-functional. I wanted something that wasn't TOO fancy that I'd feel weird pulling it out to hang out with friends on the weekend, but fancy ENOUGH that it could be dressed up for a classy event.

That's how I've come to make this dress that is giving me such a cute vintage flair!

This is McCall's 8194, View A in the length & sleeves of View B. I cut the size 16.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Carousel Blouse | McCall's 7957

Hello friends! As you can see, I'm still at the needle! This blouse has been a WIP for a couple of YEARS and all I had to finish were the SLEEVES.

This is McCall's 7957 , View B  in a size 12. This pattern is OOP but you can get it on Pattern Review or Etsy.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

My Sewing Studio Tour

 Hello Friends! This video was a long time coming! When I moved into my new home in 2018, one of the requirements was that one of the bedrooms would be my sewing studio. I took my time in creating a space that feels functional and genuine to ME, and I love creating here!

Enjoy this MTVCribz style sewing studio tour and give the video a like! Even subscribe if you want!

watch on YouTube

***DISCLAIMER: There are affiliate links below (NOT ALL), meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Any commission would go into continuing to supporting my blog and YouTube Channel***

Items Mentioned (in order of video):

o   Brother Project Runway CE8080PRW – discontinued o   Brother Serger 1034D o   Brother Coverstitch 2340CV · Sew Steady Extension Table · Sewing Tables · Sewing Chairs · Peg Boards · Peg Board Organizer Kit · Sewing Machine Clock · White thread rack · Wooden thread rack – (JoAnn in-store) · Thread carousel – (Cannot find on JoAnn website. Check in-store) · Sullivan’s adjustable sewing table · Sullivan’s cutting mat · Ironing Cover · White Utility Cart · Ikea KALLAX 5x5 shelf · Sewing Phrase decal · Dressform · Futon Sofa · Hanging Picture frame · Unique Book Shelf · Ironing Board · Maytag Iron · Ikea KALLAX 4x1 shelf · Cube Storage organizers



Tuesday, March 15, 2022

I made my FIRST COAT | Simplicity 8749

It's mid-March and not only is it between 20 and 40 degrees outside most days, but it SNOWED over the weekend! My only happy solace from these thoughts is that I finally finished the coat I've been working on for the past 2 years! I've always wanted a proper coat. Something that I could wear when I dress up for black tie events and things, but also just be stylish enough to throw on over a set of sweats. As an adult, most of my coats have looked more utility in nature, and generally just not... CHIC lol So this coat has stepped in to fix my problem.

I have made 3 jackets so far (here, here & here), but never a coat.

This beauty is Mimi GxSimplicity 8749, View B in a size 16.