Thursday, August 18, 2016

Flowing with the Waves - McCalls 7363

Hello, good people! I went to Myrtle Beach last week with some friends and I thought it'd be the perfect opportunity to take some pics of the new skirt I had made. It had been a while since I've made something from a pattern so it felt good to jump back into that and have some instructions to follow. I am the MacGyver type at times but I like standards too. I'm just weird like that lol

This pattern is McCall's 7363 that I waxed poetic about in this post. It's no surprise that I made View B first since that is the view on the site that made me HAVE to buy the pattern. lol I cut a size 12 straight. No alterations.

The fabric is "Buff Beige" ITY knit from Fabric Mart. This is the second color that I've used of this fabric. Last time I used "Rust Orange". I really like this fabric because of the way it slinks across the body and the way it drapes. It makes me feel like an adult lool. Hope that makes sense. The only negative is that it shows EVERY line and bra strap and roll or dimple. Those things can be hidden though. I have a slip on under this skirt .

Construction was very easy. I was surprised not to see the "EASY" label on the pattern envelope because this sewed up in like an hour and a half. I basted the seams together with my walking foot before serging them together. And although I've never been a fan of elastic waist finishes, it's perfect for this skirt and makes it look seamless in the end.

I made up the skirt straight to the instructions. When it came to the narrow hem, I serged the raw edge first and then folded the edge in twice and sewed. 

When I did it on the front shorted piece, the hem got super wavy and I freaked out about whether or not to finish the rest of the hem that way. Once I got over myself and pulled out my iron, the hem fixed itself and I went ahead to hem the rest of the skirt up that way. I do believe that it did make the hem a little wavy but it also makes it look BEAUTIFUL when the skirt is still. My friend said "You look like a rose!". The only pic I have of the skirt still is on the dressform. The beach was SOOO windy. Look at that drape!!

I love this skirt and I think I may make a couple more. I will see how much I wear this one and then decide. Happy to be making decisions that way now. The handmade clothes that I haven't given away get plenty of wear in my daily life and I'm loving it! I'll be doing a clothing purge soon and will see what holes I'll need to fill for the upcoming seasons.

Any questions?? Hit me in the comments! Have you tried this awesome pattern yet??

I'll leave you with the rest of the pics from the beach. They were taken by my friend Nikita! He took these photos too :-)

xoxo, Tasha
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