Ever since I was a child, I have spent New Year's Eve night in a church. I didn't even know that it was called Watch Night Service until I got older. It was just what my family did. Long story shorty, when I went off to college, a got exposure to the parties and got a taste of freedom that I had never experienced before. So on the breaks, when NYE would be around the corner, I started considering ideas of going out to the club or going to parties at peoples' houses to drink..... but I never did. Even though really I wanted to, and sometimes made plans to, I would decide against it at the last minute and go to church and spend time with my family after.
My desire to do something "different" for NYE was always trumped by my fear I would do something or be somewhere/in a situation that I would truly regret. My decision to go to church instead and stay in with my family always brought me peace and I never regretted it. But, if I'm honest, I always wanted to know what it felt like on the "other" side.
Fast forward a bit... remember last year when I talked about the
new friends that I'd made? Yea, a few of these friends run a group called
Culture-New Norm. One of the things that the group does is throw Christian parties every month. I know, I know. Every time I tell people they look at me like "Huh?!" lol Well yea, they play music by different Christian Rappers and singers that get you just as hype as music that plays on the regular radio, the messages are just different. It's a "Party without Compromise". Wellll they were throwing one for NYE! Right in the heart of DC nightlife.
I wasn't just going to NOT go to church though. I do serve and am usually part of the service in one way or another. Plus, I would feel like something was missing if I didn't go. Conveniently, they set the time of the party at midnight so that people would be able to attend Watch Night services at their churches and come to the party after! So perfect. I had such a fun time at the party and I definitely satisfied my wanting to have MORE fun bringing in the New Year. I got to enjoy myself in an environment that wouldn't have my mom worried, I got to dance and party along to music that points back to Christ, and I didn't have to pretend to be someone I'm not. That may be my favorite part.

Once I knew that I was going to the party, I knew that I wanted to make something to wear. At first I considered different dresses but I realized I wouldn't have enough time to dedicate to a full dress. After combing through my fabric options, I found a couple more yards of
"Black Corded Light Weight Suiting" from Fabric Mart that I used to make
one of my favorite skirts from earlier in 2015. I figured I would just make a top out of the same fabric that I could tuck in and have an outfit that LOOKED like a dress.