Good Afternoon! This post is a bit late because yesterday was super busy with my family and then instead of remembering to write this round up, I watched
Maleficent for the first time. Sorry, not sorry that movie was
awesome lol
Day 11
Dress into a Top (blogged)
RTW Cardigan and Jeans |
Day 12
Dress into a Maxi Skirt (blogged)
RTW top |
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
Sleeveless Vest (unblogged)
Simplicity Sew Simple A37
RTW top and Jeans |
I'm feeling really good because I finished 3 UFO's this weekend! And I got pics in all of them! Ha! There's some productivity for you! lol I'm hoping to keep this streak going. I have a bunch more on the cutting table and a blanket I want to make this week for a baby on the way :-D
I'm excited for summer and the dresses that I have planned. I just need to keep consistent in that gym so that I can fit into them -_-. I've been taking whatever random class they have at the gym whenever I'm able to go. So far I've taken Body Step, Body Pump, Body Attack, Yoga, Kangoo Jumps, Pilates and Triple Threat. Tonight I'm going to try out Body Combat. I may even stay for Zumba but idk because some Zumba classes are so cutesy. I want something that's gonna make me feel something so we'll see.
That's all that's going on with me! I hope you all have a great week and don't forget to follow me on
How's your Me-Made-May pledge going??