Well May starts tomorrow and this year I want to participate in Me-Made-May'15 being hosted by Zoe over at 'So, Zo...What Do You Know?'. This year I finally have enough garments and UFO's to make some kind of substantial pledge.
Hopefully with this, I determine what I don't wear and why but I will also be forced to MAKE things that I plan to wear. Not just for fancy occasions as I tend to do lol
So Here's my pledge:
'I, Tasha of 'TheTellTaleTasha', sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear one me-made garments (or altered by me) each day for the duration of May 2015'.
I think that will keep me busy enough. I've also been on a pattern/fabric cutting spree trying to get some of my UFO's ready to sew. Right now I have out all my summer UFO's that use black thread since that's what I have in my machine and serger right now lol No need to complicate things right? lol. On the table is 2 cardigans, 4 Netties, a vest, and 2 skirts. 9 more pieces to add to MMMay :-)
I will be daily posting on Instagram and on Flikr and maybe on Pinterest and I will try to do weekly roundups posted every Monday. That'll kick my blog back into gear!
Wish me luck!