Sorry for being so absent!
I went to California for about a week and when I got back I was all jet lagged and stuff and too tired to write lol
Here are a few pics of my trip!
And a little bit of truth at the end! :-D
And a little bit of truth at the end! :-D
Santa Monica Beach |
One of the views while hiking Runyon Canyon |
My cousins Julisa & Donta and me at Runyon |
*tebow* |
One of the views at Universal Studios... EVERYWHERE in Cali has a view lol |
The Getty Center |
One of the views from the Getty Center lol |
Drum Circle on the beach.. At least 20 different instruments out there! |
Venice Beach |
While I was in California, I got to experience a lot of things,
While I was in California, I got to experience a lot of things,
but one thing that I wanted to make sure of was that I read my bible everyday.
If I can be honest, when I went to Atlantic City, I was so "IN" that I had neglected to get in my Word like I should.
So anyway I made sure that this same thing didn't happen to me in California.
On Sunday, while I was watching an online broadcast of this church,
the Pastor was preaching to his congregation about Ephesians 3:20.
Ephesians 3:20KJV reads,
"Now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,"
Most people just say:
"Now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think"
"Now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think"
and leave out the end of the scripture.
The last part MAY or may not be more important. Again, it says,
"according to the power that worketh in us"
The POWER that works in us!
"What is that power?", you might ask.
The Word of God = Power.
Yes, The Lord can do things impossible to our understanding in our lives, but only according to the power or The Word that works in us.
If we're only getting a little bit of Word or POWER,
The Lord can only work in our lives according to THAT much power.
If we don't KNOW what we can have, how can we obtain it?
Another example:
stay with me now lol
1 Peter 1:2-3NKJV
"2 Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, 3 as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue,"
He has given us ALL things that pertain to life and godliness...
Soooo everything we need has already been given to us but we only have as much of it as we know about God.
It's like, sitting in a room full of amazing gifts, that belong to us, with a blindfold on.
We have all of the gifts, but we don't know they are there, so we can't utilize them.
Does that make sense? lol
The blindfold gets looser and looser every time we spend time getting to know the Lord by reading His Word.
I'm so glad the Lord brought this back to my remembrance :-D
And I'm completely aware that these words were for ME.
But I just wanted to share just in case they're for you too
Starting a new project tomorrow!
See you in the next post!
share and stuff! *walks on the beach*
xoxo, Tasha