
Monday, February 29, 2016

4. Four Seasons - Light Overcoat | #sew16in2016

When I first started my blog in 2013, one of the main focuses of it was to take clothes that I had that no longer fit me (due to weight loss) and upcycle them in ways that would benefit my wardrobe. This was before I actually knew what a pattern was or even how to buy fabric. Once I got a taste of the ability to make things from scratch, I basically fell off of the upcycle train. I think that last thing that I transformed or updated was December of 2013. I've been on a roll since then.

At the beginning of January, I really went through my bags and boxes of old clothes that I had plans for and did a REAL purge to decide what things I am really going to do something with and what things just needed to go into the donation pile. I am making a dedicated effort this year to at least FINISH what I started with the pieces that I had plans for at the inception of the blog with while I continue to make new and shiny things.

With that said, I revisited a transformation that I had actually STARTED in 2013 but left as a UFO for 2.5 years lol smh. Back in this post I introduced you to this dress that I had had since sophomore or junior year of high school (circa 2005).
It had turned very matrix-esque and it definitely was not my style anymore.  Back in '13 I had removed the lining with my seam ripper and just had it sitting like that for this long. ALL I HAD TO DO was separate that top part near the neck that joined together. Yes, it took me almost 3 YEARS to rip a 1 inch seam! *blank stare* I feel you judging.

The result is so simple but so.... PERFECT!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

I don't normally do this butttt... McCall's Spring Patterns!

I don't sice pattern releases. I normally just take a look, quietly take my notes (add the ones I like to my neverending "buy" list) and move on. Idk what it is about THIS release in particular of the New Spring Patterns but McCall's put in some good work. I'm not intrigued by too many of them but the ones I like, I REALLY like. A lot. So here are my picks:

M7367: This photo is so beautiful and inspiring to me! I love the drape of the skirt and I rave enough about wrap-style tops. I have about 3 different combinations to make in my mind!

M7366: I know that I have been a big antagonist to jumpsuits but this bodice is bomb! lol Even just having the bodice to mix and match with different skirts is worth buying this pattern to me even if I never make a jumpsuit. The back is also unique so that lends to the mix factor

M7358: Another wrap style top. I think it's absolutely cute and classy with so many opportunities for variety. I have already thought of some in-seam tie hacks. I like the topstitched yoke as well. I'm interested to see what it would look like in a more drapey fabric and not just cotton.

M7363: And this is my FAVORITE of the whole release! I don't by any means make a lot of skirts. I think I have probably made 5 skirts total in the 2.5 years I have been sewing. But babbbyyyyyyyyy! This skirt is FIRE! I'm in love! I think it's the drape that's getting me. I can't quite put my finger on it. I'll probably make 3 of the 4 variations of the pattern.


THIS view is what sold me! That side shot is BEAUTIFUL! I need that in my life!
 That's it. Those are my picks. Did you check out the release? Which ones have you??

 xoxo, Tasha

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

13. One and Only - Named Nuna Hood Scarf | #sew16in2016

Sad to report, it's still freezing over here on the East coast. It got REALLY bad last week. I'm feeling like "Why am I living in a place where the air hurts my face?!"

So my latest make has been really helping out. I've been alternating between my last scarf and this Nuna Hood Scarf by Named Patterns.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Say 'Hello!' to my new friend Elly! - Elna Supermatic

A couple of weeks ago, I was reading BareThread's blog about being a Sewing Machine hoarder. I was so fascinated at the way she was explaining she came into a few of her machines. I see on the blogs quite a bit how people find vintage machines in thrift stores and estate sales and I'm always so.... confused (?) because I have never not once seen a sewing machine in thrift stores around my way. And I usually search through estate sales and have never found anything sewing related. She reassured me by saying that the path to discovery isn't usually disclosed and these things happen over time.... a long time lol and lots of rummaging.

So the day I read her blog, I decided to hit Craigslist to see what was really what. Lo and behold! I come across an ad selling an Elna Supermatic with accessories and original instruction manual included! *Wahhhhhh*!

I wish I could find the post that I saw maybe a month or two ago by another blogger showing off her vintage Elna. I didn't even know that "Elna" existed before her post. My eyes lit up at her case-to-table transformation! I thought it was SO COOL. I can't believe that I have one now!

Meet Elly!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

5. Quick Sew - Selvage trim Scarf | #sew16in2016

I finally managed to sit down at my machines for the first time ini 2016. I got rid of all of my small alterations projects and felt comfortable enough to start some new things. The first thing I'm going to share was a quick project to get my sewing juices flowing.

I've been holding on to the scraps from my cape project back in Nov2014. It has a black selvage trim. The scraps I've been holding onto on have one side of the selvage left. I had 1 big rectangle of the fabric with the trim on one long edge.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Sew '16 Challenge - My Master List

I decided since most of my year will focus around the topics from the The Sew '16 challenge I talked about in my last post, that I should make a post that I can reference and update with completed links and what not to make it easier for me and you to see the progress I've made.

So as I said before, the challenge was made by Emily of Hungarian Housekeeping. You choose 16 out of the 20 categories to complete in 2016. The categories are:

The categories I have chosen are: (*Titles will be hyperlinked with blog posts when category is completed)
1. Newbie - Sew a type of garment you never have before
4. Four Seasons - Make a garment that can be worn in all seasons
5. Quick Sew -  Sew something that takes less than an hour
6. Slow Sew - Sew something that takes more than a month. (Bonus points if your quick sew and slow sew go together.)
7. Share the Love - Sew for someone you never have before
8. Stash Stretcher - Sew something entirely from stash materials: pattern, notions, and all.
9. Let It Go - Throw away or donate a garment you made (not a wadder or UFO)
10. Aliens Out -  Get rid of your UFO's. All of Them. Finish them, toss them, pass them on. (Challenge option: hold on to your UFO-free status until the end of the year.)
11. Double Your Pleasure, Double Your Fun - What do you wear most often? What's your go-to outfit? Duplicate it. Or triplicate it. Or make as many as you can wear in a year.
12. Same Same, But Different - Sew the same thing from different fabrics.
13. One and Only - Sew a one-piece garment (Easy option: sew a garment that has one pattern piece. Even easier option: okay, go ahead and don't count those facings, ties, etc)
14. Dream the Impossible Dream - Set a wildly ambitious goal for yourself.
15. Nostalgia -  Look back through your old sewing notes, doodles or pinned ideas. Pick one of the earliest ideas and make it happen.
16. Inspired - Sew something inspired by a book, film, series, etc.
18. Piles of Styles -  Take one handmade garment and style it as many ways as you can.
19. Sew Less Frosting - Stop sewing pretty, photogenic things that you will rarely wear. Stop sewing impractical things.

9.Let It Go | #sew16in2016

This year, instead of rushing to do a bunch of monthly challenges, I found a more easy-going challenge to keep me motivated and that I can work at my own pace. Emily over at Hungarian Housekeeping came up with the Sew '16 Challenge. You pick 16 out of 20 categories to focus your makes around for 2016. (To find the descriptions of each category, go to this blog post).

from Hungarian Housekeeping

I have already chosen the 16 categories I want to do and I'm going to start with Number 9: Let It Go. The description says: "Throw away or donate a garment that you made (not a wadder or a UFO)". After cleaning my closet for the New Year, like I normally do, I found some makes that I know I won't be wearing anymore for one reason or another. 
(blog post links in the captions)