
Friday, November 25, 2016

15. Nostalgia - Linen Floral Skirt | #sew16in2016

Keeping on track with my seasonal plans (even though it's 40 degrees while I'm typing this) and #sew16in2016, I got a chance to make up a skirt that was inspired by a picture that I saw on Instagram in January 2015! The "Nostalgia" category for the Sew '16 challenge is to "Look back through your old sewing notes, doodles or pinned ideas. Pick one of the earliest ideas and make it happen" .I have a "sewing inspiration" folder on Dropbox and this picture may be one of the first ones I ever took a screenshot of to mimic later.

Check out Me:


My Inspiration:

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

8. Stash Stretcher - McCall's 7100 Brick Red Bomber | #sew16in2106

It's getting closer and closer to the end of the 2016 so I'm trying quickly to get in my submissions for #sew16in2016. Some will probably trickle into 2017 but that's fine with me. This post will be dedicated to Stash Stretcher: sew something entirely from stash materials, patterns, notions and all.

Back in August McCall Pattern Company announced that their next sewalong would be "The Bomber Jacket". They offered participants to sew-a-long with either Butterick 6181 or McCall's 7100 and I chose the latter; 1. Because I already had it , and 2. because I didn't want that casing of elastic. I wanted real ribbing. I cut View A in a size medium.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

October's Sewing Accumulations

Howdy! I just wanted to come share some goodies that I accumulated last month. And no I'm not doing this because I haven't been sewing lol I have been sewing and have about 3 garments so far to share but I don't know when I'll be able to get pictures so... soon come.

**Nothing in this post is sponsored
Anyway, last month I shared about some new knits I bought that broke my fabric fast. Well everytime I break a monetary fast, it's like I have spending built up in my bones that I have to get out lol. I went easy this time, though. The first thing I got wasn't even a purchase. Last month, The Tunic Bible released and there was a book tour around the sewing blogs. Each participating blog hosted a giveaway and I happened to win the giveaway over at HouseofPinheiro. I'm excited about this win because I think it will really expand my creativity and selfless sewing in a really positive way.

On to the purchases.... I have been wanting the Fabric For Fashion: The Swatch Book since Feb/Mar2015 when I visited McCall's in NY. They had one in their fabric room and I fell in love. When I came home and looked it up, I could only find one on eBay for like $1,000 and I was like heeeecccckkkkk no! lol I kept looking online from time to time seeing different prices and keeping it on my wishlist. I even used it as my wishlist pic for September's #SewPhotoHop on Instagram! After I let the grip go on my wallet last month, I took another quick look and on Amazon it was only $65! I put it in my cart SO QUICK. lol I haven't taken it out of the shrink wrap yet because I haven't really been home but I am sooo excited to get touchy feely with all of the swatches! (Now I'm mad because when I just looked it up again to link it in this post, I see a $44 option for Barnes&Noble -____-)