
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

3x the Charm? - Black Gingers

Well, well, well... Look at who can't get enough lol. I have completed my 3rd iteration of the Ginger Jeans pattern from ClosetCaseFiles. First two here and here. I don't see myself getting tired of this pattern. I'm in jeans whenever I don't have to dress up and they're just comfortable. Plus the October project for the ThRed&Needles group on Facebook was jeans. This time around I really attempted to fix some fitting issues that I dealt with on previous versions (mostly version 2) and I think I did a pretty good job.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Soma somewhere near Sona - Papercut Soma Swimsuit

One of my favorite shows to have EVER been on television is Prison Break! I, to this day, believe that the writing and acting were touched by a literal angel lol. I'm pretty good at predicting tv shows and movies. More than pretty good actually, spot on most times. The thing about Prison Break was that as soon as you start catching on to how the plots work and the spins in the writing, they put a spin on THAT spin. Pretty much, you can never see what's coming next. Check it out on Netflix. I promise you won't be disappointed.

Most people that read my blog know that my mom's side of the family is from Panama. I had the pleasure of going back to Panama again last week for vacation and had a BLAST. Back to why I was telling you about Prison Break. There is a point in the show where the lead actor gets sent to a prison in Panama. The name of that prison is SONA. That season of the show is so outlandish and intense that it made me proud that they used Panama as the place to shoot it lol. Even though Sona isn't REALLY a prison in Panama, every time I go to a beach in Panama I feel like it's right on the other side of the bushes.

So I said all that to say that I made a swimsuit to where to Panama for vacation LOL. The pattern I chose is the Soma Swimsuit by Papercut Patterns. I cut the Bikini Variation 1 in a size small.