
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Leopard Color Block!! - Kwik Sew 3633

Well hellloooooo there!

I feel like I've been gone for a while but it's only been a week lol
Last week I was celebrating my Birthday so I was too excited to sit down and write posts lol smh

I went to the Dominican Republic for my birthday and I will be sharing that experience in due time :-)
If you want a sneak peek, you can check out my instagram!


This is Kwik Sew 3633 View B
I cut a medium.

All of the Kwik Sew patterns I have made sew up super fast so there isn't that much to say about them construction wise.

The leopard fabric is scraps I had from this project.
The green fabric I got at JoAnn's on clearance
and the black fabric I don't remember where I got it from. But I have so much of it which is weird lol

This is the first time I block interfaced fabric.
I did it because the facings were so tiny
I like it though so I'll probably be doing it more often.

I used my serger to make up the entire dress aside from the sleeves.
I sewed the sleeves in flat and then serged the sides.

I've noticed that the Kwik Sew patterns aren't really made well to fit.
and it's a little weird to me because they're the most expensive on sale compared to the other commercial patterns lol
Anyway. This looked like a tent on me at first make up.

I decided to cut off the serged sides on the green color block because that is where my waist is.
Then I serged again. Only on the green.
I know that's probably not how it's supposed to be done butttt #IDoWhatIWant lol
I actually had to do it twice. That's how big it was.

I stopped at twice because I didn't want the dress to be super fitted but I didn't want to lose the LITTLE shape that I have.
I have such a stick figure, it's easy for me to get lost in fabric without some type of curve built in lol

To hem the sleeves, I serged and folded over once.
I was going to do the same thing for the dress hem but after I serged, I really liked how it looked.. and felt, so I left it.

This dress, though, is SUPER comfortable!
It felt like I was wearing a nightgown at work lool
Who doesn't like feeling like they're in pajamas all day?!

I think that's all I have to say about this dress.
Not my favorite but it will still get a lot of wear.

Thanks for reading!
Look out soon for my bday picture dump, oonapalooza things, TMS and PGS!

See you in the next post!

xoxo, Tasha


  1. Cute dress!!! You wear it well!!

  2. Hi Tasha .. looks good on you … I bet the patterns dont’t fit you (at least some of them) … from the pics looks like you’re tall and slim and fabulous and they are made for the average silhouette … ;)

    1. LOL thank you. I think it's because the directions specifically state not to cut between sizes. I'm a bigger size on the top than the bottom so cutting one size is never really a good option for me if I want something to fit correctly :-)

  3. Well, we think you look great in everything, including this dress! But you're in that phase of your sewing life where it's important for you to experiment with different styles and patterns. Soon you'll get to a point where you know automatically what designs will or won't work for you. Also, it's important to get yourself to the store and try on styles before you commit to sewing them. For example, do you want to spend hours working on a peplum dress only to find that peplums don't work on you? Not that we can see you looking bad in anything, because you're tall and thin (jealous!), but you get what we mean. Keep up the great work!

    1. You're absolutely right. I do like a lot of different styles of clothes but when I see them on ME, i'm like nahhhh lol So it's def trial and error right now. :-)

  4. Cute dress Tasha, and great job making this work for you!

  5. You have a great creative eye and you never know unless you try. Looking forward to hearing about your trip to DR.

  6. It's always interesting to see pictures taken during the sewing process, thanks for those! The dress looks really cool and well-made! I tried to sew a dress like that once but the seam at waist didn't become as flat as I wanted. The fabric was maybe too strong... but the fabric became kid's dress in the end so no fabric was thrown away. :D

  7. Great dress. Good job taking it in. Who cares what the "right" way is, just keep doing what makes sense to you. It's definitely working for you - you look great.

  8. Anonymous7/18/2014

    Just saw your post on McCalls fb page! Didn't know you were/are a part of Needles & Fashion group? McCalls says you're a beginner! I've been one for a long time (mainly cause I don't get to sew as often as I'd like) :-). Thx for posting your journey on going natural. I thought about it a few times and started several years back, but stopped. You inspired me on both ends. I'm now subscribing to your blog. Take care!

  9. Saw your spotlight on the McCalls page, too! Love your stuff!

  10. I really like this dress! The blocks of fabric look like a great way of using up smaller pieces of fabric. Looks like a great day to night dress :) x


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! :-D
I read each one and I do my best to respond to each of them personally :-)