
Friday, February 28, 2014

Animal Print - McCall's M6839

Wellll it's the end of February and the perfect time to finish the
February Sew-a-long project for the Mimi G group on Facebook.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Valentine High-Waist Pencil Skirt

Hi :-)
So with  my new found love for sewing, I decided to make something to wear for Valentine's Day!
 **sorry for the quality of the pics.. lighting was terrible and made errrrythang blurry lol
sn: I didn't actually WEAR it on Valentine's Day lol but that was my original intention.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Silk Blouse - Vogue V1333

*dances with excitement*
I made a shirt!
I made a BLOUSE!
A SILK blouse!
*does dougie*
lol As you can tell, I am very excited.
This is my second garment made from scratch, and my FIRST garment made from a commercial pattern.